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Written By: CasCobbYT
Edited By: JustyCreator

There’s another removal and this time it’s GUESTS, If you were a guest and you’re reading this, I'm sorry for what happened...

Guests are being removed, I have been told. We have to do a special article about them.

Even though Guests were annoying but they were really good, I think I miss them.

Because, what if you were a kid guest. It’s sad that ROBLOX is going to remove Guests, so Farewell!

I used to be a guest too back in the old days, just for a long time I thought Guests were just like normal Players dressed up as ROBLOX but turns out that I was wrong.

Farewell to those that don’t use an account and play as a guest in the old days.

I hope you can find a way to play again other than being a Guest, this is a special farewell from The Robloxian Post.

Anyways, to those that were a Guest, I hope they will make an account in the future.​

That’s it for this article, visit our website for more ROBLOX news.

Farewell Guests: News
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