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Written By: CasCabb
Edited By: Kaneki


Hey guys! Cas here with my first article for 2018, We’ll be talking about the Bronze ages and Silver ages of the Robloxian post. In one of the old days, The Robloxian Post was like only 10 members or some sort. And i joined at around 12 or 13 members, we were starting off. I was one of the first reporters, actually 2nd reporter. I’ve been here since Oct. or Sept. or Aug. , Now.

Bronze Ages

The bronze age starts with my review for “Doctor Who:TARDIS Flight Classic”

Was the 2nd article to be ever posted in the website, it didn’t feauture much but you know, i was a “Rookie” back then. I’m pretty much average / proffesional right now but i’m not sure xD, I would like to credit all the reporters and editors at the end. Stay tuned, I was first recruited / hired at around July. I was suprised when LOL asked me if i wanted to join, i said yes. NOW MOVING ON!

Silver Ages

Wow, the time when we reaced around 20 / 30 members. This article brings me back, now at this point of The Robloxian Post, we started getting more and more readers. This was when i started putting “Hey Cas here with another article” and putting more detail into my articles, at this point i was an EXPERT writer. I began to not be nervous, and made my articles good. Even fixing TINY i mean TINY details in my articles, i started to write articles like “Farewell Guests!” and more. This was the best age of them all, RIGHT at the middle.

Thanks for reading!

Remember when i said i will credit the staff? Here they are!


Bureau Chief: LOLMCGAMER2549

Elite Reporter: Me ;3

Elite Editor: T_fam

Reporters:anoying bro2, Bandit 4 Life, Miss. Fantana, Serixxi, Mark0219, manfromthesky and much more!

History Of ROBLOXIA!: News
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